Contribute to "The Encephalitis Society"
One of my objectives is to try to contribute to helping people that are living with a Brain Injury similar to mine. The biggest favor you can do me is to make a donation to the Encephalitis Society, the foundation I chose to support. Go to JustGiving to support them. You can also continue reading some more about the topic.
Many thanks in advance !!! More than 1.5 million people undergo a form of brain injury every year in the United States and Western Europe individually. A non-negligible amount (millions) of people, carry lifetime remains. There exist many different types of Brain Injuries and the consequences are difficult to imagine and explain. For more information about Brain Injuries, go to: Raising Awareness (press here) Not all survivors of such an illness have the opportunities I have! Many lack essentials. I therefore have decided to dedicate myself to raise funds to help people that need it. "The Encephalitis Society" is the foundation I feel closest to and chose to support. I am trying to help but certainly need all the support I can get! What can you do to help? The Encephalitis Society, an organization based in the United Kingdom working in research into Encephalitis Brain Injuries. The society also interacts worldwide with patients that have suffered Encephalitis, providing them with information, essential help and care. Some people made extremely generous donations to the foundation. It is however at least as important to obtain many small but meaningful contributions. Donate to The Encephalitis Society!
Just click this button it will take very few minutes. Many thanks in advance !! |
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